Registered Address
To register a company, you need a registered address in Singapore so that the company can be contacted via mail. However, it is not necessary for the registered office address to be the place where the business operates.Corporate Compliance Consulting
Some companies, especially smaller companies or companies with offshore operations, may use the address of their business secretarial company as their registered office for a fee. A company with the above arrangement must confirm the contractual arrangements with its business secretarial company to ensure that the line of communication is not broken.
Under the Singapore Companies Act, if a company changes its registered address, it must notify ACRA within 14 days of the change and provide a new address to ensure that the company can be contacted as per ACRA’s records.
Note: If the company does not notify ACRA of the change of address, the company and its officers (including directors) will be guilty of an offence under the Companies Act and will be liable for conviction, or a fine not exceeding S$5,000.
If you are entrusting your company to a corporate secretarial company, you will need to issue a board resolution, which is usually drafted with the assistance of a secretarial company. The resolution must be signed by 2 or more officers (e.g. 2 directors, or 1 director + 1 statutory secretary) and submitted to the secretarial company, which will assist with the change of the registered office address.